I like it a lot! I think having the activities throughout definitely helps strengthen and visualize my understanding of the material. It was an interesting way to learn the material. Goes way beyond traditional textbooks and is much more effective. zyBooks use animations to dynamically illustrate complex concepts. The way it is organized is very useful and the examples and participation activity are helpful. It's easy to navigate and the material is useful. The way zyBooks makes the students engage with the material is very benefical. It presents the material in an easy to understand way and looking back on the assignments is a great way to review material for tests. It is easy to see what you have to do and when you have to do it, which makes it really convenient. The system is very glitchy. Presents material in a way that is easy to follow while providing activity questions/examples with amazing explanations as to why an answer is wrong or correct. just a better ui for the transitions with fsm simulators, would be nice. Some of the challenge questions were a little too challenging and I had to look up the answer. Many students dont pay for textbooks: In a survey we conducted in classes using a regular textbook, 30% admitted to illegally downloading pdf, and another 20% to not acquiring the book at all. Instead of assigning regular textbook problems, I like how my teacher assigns the lessons from the zyBook for a more interactive experience. I had to mess up methods in my classes in order to get it to pass. The labs are good. To help, we give temp subscriptions until financial aid is disbursed. Create an account or sign in to enter your code. However, until now, everything points to Zybooks (if I have access to the book that's being used, I'll write an update). It is a great platform for a class such as CSE which is computer-based. very useful for more in-depth explanations. It would be helpful if the print function worked. It was much more engaging and I learned a lot faster with the zybooks this semester. We used zyBooks during each class and for any assignments. It was interactive and kept me engaged. Explanations of concepts are clear and concise. useful but show answer made it easy to skip through. The practice sections were very beneficial. The zyBooks reading materials felt very difficult to trudge through. However in light of COVID-19 I have not found it as useful but that is partly my fault partly because zybook is not something that is tangible and in front of my face therefore I tend to forget about it. Programming is very different from other subjects. It really helped me to achieve that A+ I aimed for in this class. I enjoy zyBooks more than other textbooks as the assignments are engaging and the labs are relevant and decently challenging. Because the participation activity completion was not part of our grade, I did not use them except for some cases where I wanted to solidify my knowledge on a topic. Especially since I no longer have an instructor to talk to in class to help me learn. I think it's a cool interactive way to learn, but I don't think it's for everyone. Sometimes complicated, but overall informative. The website is useful with its interactive questions, i dont like it the assignments are too long. I think it conveys material in a way that is easily understood. With zybooks I was able to get the practice and explanations that I really needed and I started doing a lot better on my exams and quizzes. It is a really great platform, I love how hands on it is. I am not just learning it because I need to for my class, but I am actually WANTING to learn it. Very helpful when I needed to refresh on some material. I stared at and attempted the lab for over 45 minutes before understanding what it asked, but there was no helpful hints on where to even start. Simple but accurate ways to learn introductory classes. Really cool program. A good online textbook that helps you learn more than a physical one. I usually come up with the solution by looking at the sample code create a similar code. It's helpful, especially the challenge questions. Just another site. I have never experienced another resource that met my needs as well as zyBoooks. I found it overall a great platform to use, especially for a CS class, i feel it is very coveient and modern vs toting a book around with you and selling them back to the bookstore for near to nothing. Compared to a textbook, we provide infinitely more feedback (literally). Its such a hassle to write the code in the website. Very thorough and bravo zyBooks! When I miss something in lecture they are a great way to learn the code. It is structured really well and helps me focus more on topics I would have normally missed or skipped over when reading a typical textbook. I lost a lot of points because of formatting errors. It's a really nice way to learn. I think zybooks is very helpful in first learning a topic but is not helpful for in-depth learning. Very helpful with good readings, I enjoy how when I get an example wrong it explains how to do the problem. It's overwhelming to them and underwhelming at the same time, overall this is not a balanced way to teach coding. It's fun and simple. It makes it much easier to focus on the material. I loved the interactive exercises in the textbook, it made it really easy to learn the material. If there was any implementation of highlighting things that are wrong, or when hovering over a variable it gives you info about it, like Microsoft VS does, that would help immensely. But programming is all about precision, plus many apps are for phones or webpages where formatting matters. These were assigned homeworks, but they did an incredible job at helping me further understand the material. I dont like the way the lessons are taught or the exercises. We have not filtered to only show positive responses. We had issues, however, as we progressed to more advanced materials. It is easy to use and the explanations are clear. I am happy to be using zybooks however when it comes to the some of the participation activities i feel it would help students more if they gave a better detailed explanation when we get something incorrect. We did not filter responses based on positive or negative comments. sometimes correct answers are made incorrect because it is not the answer the book wants. So many online sources don't do that but I like that it encourages students to learn from mistakes. The approach zyBooks took me through to learn the same material was leagues ahead of my learning experience last year. The formatting of the material in a more portrait page layout similar to textbooks does not work well on computer monitors. Zybooks is a great source for practicing and testing your skills. Becoming the bad guy. I didn't actually have a problem with zyBooks itself, but I didn't like that we were doing the class in C because I don't really have a use it for in my degree (applied math). I'm currently using _____ for another class and hate it. I enjoy how simple, organized, and straight forward it is. This is the correct approach to learning in my opinion. It's a nice, interactive tool to facilitate material. It is very helpful but the challenges and labs are sometimes difficult. Katherine Murphy, Student, Clemson University, zyBooks gives just the right level of content for students learning to program, packaged in an interactive online experience that also allows for instructor customization. Zybooks is very clear and helpful with ever concept. zyBooks is very helpful and makes things seem easier than than it is. I learn better through zyBook's example problems, especially when I miss them the first time. it was very expensive as something that is meant to aid in the process of learning. Trustworthy source. Zybooks really helped me understand the course material for this class. I would sometimes get frustrated with it linking correctly with my Canvas but for the most part it was great. I really like it and it is helping me to learn. easy to use and helpful with instant feedback. zyBooks has been an incredible resource. The participation activities actually encouraged me to look through the passages, because messing up on a question doesn't negatively affect you, I was able to learn in a comfortable environment. Super easy to use and has very cool visual/video/interactive examples. At first I was very hesitant to using zyBooks. Some stuff may be easier to find but other material can be hard to find. I am enjoying the activities and challenges that are throughout the chapters. This fall, I'm taking a similar programming class at the university I'm transferring to and I'm 99% sure it's going to be in python. Great learning and practice material. It really helped me understand the material and I loved that it was an interactive textbook. zyBooks Engaged Employer Overview 22 Reviews -- Jobs 16 Salaries 3 Interviews 2 Benefits -- Photos 9 Diversity + Add a Review zyBooks Reviews Updated Sep 19, 2022 Find Reviews Clear All Full-time, Part-time English Filter Found 17 of over 22 reviews Sort Popular Popular COVID-19 Related Highest Rating Lowest Rating Most Recent Oldest First 4.4 It's well designed and the interface is nice. I really like everything about it. Would have loved to used zybooks for one of my psychology courses. zyBook in a great was to lean material and practice. I really enjoyed the zybook material more than a regular book. I think it is a great interactive tool to teach mathematics. After using a zyBook, most student comments show it was worth the price. In comparison to other courses with traditional textbooks, zyBooks made it significantly easier to learn the material, practice and study. So it's not even an issue with zyBooks at all. Pretty easy to use, although the sensitivity to white spaces was rather unnecessary. but instead of giving us assignments on them, he would just check that we had done these in-book assignment things that we could just click through, so I never gave a shit about the readings. into thin air outside magazine article 1996; A very good platform that could let students interact with the book. It is unclear when you are supposed to enter your own input or when zyBooks is running the input. It was better experience than using traditional books and it is way better than using other online resources. Their use, compared to traditional reading, requires less time and is less monotonous, as well as often being easier to understand. Also my professor in oparticular stopped teaching via web meetings he just posted videos. Organized, repetitive, instills learning. It has numerous spelling and grammar errors as well as confusing material. Our teacher didn't even know what the chapters were about. Really good interface, although the processing of some assignments is very slow. The reading could be a bit confusing in places. This way no other student ends up like me with some backwards test that everyone pulls their hair out trying to figure out what the test is actually testing for (Shaving bit after bit out of the script until it tells you that you got 1/9 points as opposed to 0/9, etc etc etc) On to my next point: You guys do feedback VERY well. I thought zybooks gave me a good concrete way of understanding new topics and let me see a lot of examples of new topics being used. However, with my learning habits, simply reading about the complex concepts about programming was not enough. zyBooks is great! I liked it that much. Online classes can be difficult, but this was definitely a great resource available. It provided an intuitive system for extended education beyond the traditional in-class lectures. One of my only requests would be to be able to purchase a book. In one case - I had completed a program as specified by our teacher, and when I put it through the tests it failed 0/9. Also, scaffolding opportunities would be extremely helpful with the ending coding exercises. I think zyBooks is really helpful, I used it for this and a previous class and I learned a lot from it. i liked it good visuals and information is correct. We look carefully at feedback from: surveys (as above), the feedback buttons in our content, support tickets, verbal feedback from our interactions with instructors via our sales reps, demos, research talks, and more. Not a big fan. I was able to understand most of the readings, there were a couple I didn't really understand. Zybooks was much better than a typical text book as I felt I learned the material better with the interactive format. It was a very useful tool when it came to learning C Programming. I am very happy this was the software that was chosen for my Statistics class. I start losing focus. ZyBooks packages the lessons very neatly and is easy to understand. This is an amazing application. I liked the interactive aspect of it, though the way the information was sometimes structured was a bit confusing. Here is the link to it. Easy to work with and good division of workload. At first I thought having to pay for a book for coding was really dumb since almost all information is available on the internet anyway and my class already has a structure and planning but honestly zyBooks did help nail down some concepts but what it did most was let me see things in different forms then what my instructor did and that gave me a better understanding of how things work and better let me form my own system and ideas on how to format and use code. Operational 90 days ago 100.0 % uptime . It was very fun and easy to use for learning the more complete parts of C++ but I still had a lot of fun. After reading a paragraph, we have to answer some questions, and that really solidifies what we just read. Great way to learn, it is engaging, it makes sense, aids in my understanding. I really enjoyed doing my homework on zybooks because it helps me understand what I am doing. I thought it was very engaging for the student. I get to the end and feel like all I've learned is how to do math. Practice problems along side book are quite helpful. I heavily rely on zybooks for learning to code, and it has not only been a great learning tool, but it is also a resource I find myself very often turning back to when problem solving in programming. Zybooks is more then just a textbook. There were issues in submitting assignments initially. This is my first computer science I've ever taken, and I haven't had good experiences with past online textbooks so this was a pleasant surprise. It provides an easy way for us to study the material. I would get concepts right because of the spacing I would have to retry the problems until I got them right, It's actually a good platform for learning, There are many typos in the solutions, and the solutions should accept a wider range of inputs. The interactive learning segments and in-text quizzes allowed me to really grasp a deeper understanding of the text I was reading. I like how it explains the material. It has been tremendously helpful in teaching me java. Overall experience is great! I am really enjoying it. I can just look at the explanation and understand concept better. Great presentation to learn the code. This was a really helpful way to helping me learn. I'm finding it very helpful especially with the illustrations and animations. The different assignments it has and the step by step vid steps are great! The format is a huge improvement on typical online textbooks. The challenge activities are very useful in making sure you learn the content. It was very easy to use although I still found myself using repl.it to create my code for its visual error notifications. This feels like I am getting the short end of the stick. I still would prefer someone talking through something I think, but for classes that are not extremely difficult I think this works great. This mentality has come back to bite me this semester. The fact that there are actually things for me to interact with (as opposed to a traditional textbook) helps a lot. I love how ZyBooks performs the guided training, then the labs. Not a bad platform or way of learning the material but for the actual coding examples it would be nice to be able to get the answers if you are really stuck. ZyBooks helped me learn about coding since I struggled a lot in the lecture class. The concept is great but answers are stupid. zyBooks actualized it. I think it's a helpful tool that is good for supplementing learning, but needs outside sources to make the material interesting. I enjoy that the reading material is essentially also counted as homework for my class due to the included activities. I am paying for it, I should be allowed to keep it. The animations are also super helpful when trying to understand a concept. Problem was that it was too well made. It was really good at explaining topics and the exercises were helpful in learning the material, It is very helpful about Computer Science. I thought the zyBook was a really great way to present material and see what I was understanding based off of the questions given. It as almost self teaching, which is probably the best book I have read since it allowed me to take the interactive mini quizzes and what not during the chapters. It was very helpful and the practice problems were very well designed. I think I like the interaction and challenge questions for coding (python).
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