8 Ball till I fall nigga. F = FOLLOW, FOLK, U KILL A SLO6 (@30deepgrimeyy) on Instagram NayK66orHood 6a6y clean up my mess c-rip. They are known to wear dark-green, the city color of Gardena, in addition to blue bandanas to show there Crips. Trey Our stacked knowledge Gardena Shotgun Crips & Paybacc Crips VS Other Crips & Bloods Contrary to popular belief, real Crips do not represent any 6 point star and are not part of the Folks Nation Alliance. ROCCO DADDY IS BLACK BUT WE DONT KNOW WHO HIS FATHER IS BECAUSE SOOOO MANY BLACK MEN FUCKED HIS CRACK SMOKING BLACK DICK FUCKN NON READING STUPID UGLY PIGEON FACED MAMMA!! Crip is an alliance of individual street organizations known as sets. Crips with higher rank are respectfully refferedto as Big Homies by Bloods with lower rank. ASS! Their neighborhood spread from Gage Ave to 79th Street, between Western Ave and Vermont Ave. TAKE MY FLAG N USE IT TO RIDE, NEVA SET TRIP. CRIPPIN TIL I DIE. The Gardena ShotGun Crips and the Gardena Paybacc Crips are both known to sport appearel of theGreen Bay Packers, for the letter G to representGardena or Gunacompanid by the color green (Gardena city colors). I LOVE MY RAG, FOLLOW MY C TIL I BLEED. The Shotgun Crips (SGCs) are separated into three sub-sets: the Nine, 139th street; the Foe, 134th street; and the Deuce, 132nd street in the city of Gardena, California. Eight Tray Gangster Crips King David Who's your mother? 7 = IS A BAD NUMBER There is also a newer click, 134th Street. The 6-point star theyre referring to was often drawn on Crasperswell, everything. Founded 1969 in Los Angeles California by Stanley Tookie Williams and Raymond Lee Washington. My flag around my right wrist BLACK= Blacc GANSTAR, Crip Motto Thats why they are in a neighborhood Set in the first place. Rival with the Bloods street gangs, but as of recent have worked together for financial gain. Looks like I rattled the overly sensitive, Insecure Monkeys Cage. 7. It contained purportedly detailed inside knowledge of the mysterious, complex symbols, codes, and oaths of the Crips, that must be memorized in its entirety by hopeful Crip recruits. (Triple O.G.). We stand by the folks nation as our own independent Crip set. 15a LEO MENTAL WELLNESS - Developing Tactics, REGISTER NOW TO BEGIN TRAINING FOR YOUR GANG SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION. Living Under Not always our best The males BAC will likely be higher Murk Murder The confusion of crips representing the 6 started with the 8 ball alliance that occurred in Kansas City, Missouri in 1993 during the gang peace summit. C-4=SHORTY They Consider all bloods / pirus enemies but are currently engaged in war wit the Rollin 60s Neighborhood Crips. Thkey know Im Tray and they DueCe xut its all loC love we al und KingRaymond, I didnt know it was 8tr83ys in concord nc i know its some pirus here. Some people believe the origin of the color is from the school colors of Washington High School in South L.A. Other believe they started wearing blue because of "Buddha", who always wore blue shirts, khakis, shoes, and a blue bandana from his left pocket, which is why Crips flag out the left side. Look at Venus hand. Wateva any of yall to atl cum fucc wit me. 1=Always LOVE YA CRIPS. Sweet Anything Easy Crips under the Gangster Card are known to wear Gray in addition to blue. It was false claimers from out of town who took these alliances and created their own thing out of it which is why we have Crips riding the 6 today. Its all a bunch of Nigger Fantasy which means NOTHING. They failed miserably because of their lack of political leadership. Our Insane Crip ideology is for our set. 4-02-STRAIGHT CHEDDAR Contrary to popular belief, real Crips do not represent any 6 point star and are not part of the Folks Nation Alliance. 9=Always RESPECT A LOCs Blacc GANGTXA. Tell hoover I did my best 39=LOVE 4 DA WORLD WIDE LOCs N FOLKs WORLD WIDE.. 6 stages of Blacc gangsta Rank: The World Know Wats Craccin TenTr3y Or No Tr3Y We Dont Bang No Six Point Star fucc A Six . Galleria by some thuggd out SENIOR CITIZEN. Imhave been reading this site and know that most of you were not born in this era but should be informed how this set was put together. Venus has her arm around Serenas waist. 403 loc shorty 3 Point Crown Round Here Cuz Yall C50 outchea Its a Cold Cold World ! c-6 cops.. 2 = FOR DA DUECES. Involved in narcotics trafficking, legitimate businesses and the music industry. All it takes for an entire independent organization or gang to be sanctioned into the Crip alliance is the permission from a member of an already sanctioned legit Crip gang. I am putting every bit I can find in this thread. 8 = FOR MY 8 STAR. BLACC GANSTA CITY The 6 is strictly for mobs under Folks which originated in Chicago and has nothing to do with Crip gangs. Is there anything wrong with this picture? 15. 10 = FOR THA SETS OF SLO8S I GOT, kill a slobk and win killa a crip your whole family dies Many Cripsets have names which include the name of their City, a street that runs through their turf, or the name of the projects, apartment complex, or community they control. let it rain let it flood let a crip killa a bkloodlet it rain let it thunder put a slobk 6 feet under slobks die locs fly kill his wife kill his mother let dat sobk see his color ashes to ashes dust to dust in crip we trust in slobk we Murder and bust slobs die many times before their death crips dont die we multiply. IN 69, CRIP WAS STARTED. Most Crip sets wear blue. 8. S SHEEBA. 10. He started his own gang called the Westside Crips. 22=Always HELP A BROTHER IN NEED. Crip is an alliance of individual street organizations known as sets. Members find many ways to say the same thing. 6.WHATS IN YOUR CLOSET?> BLOODY SKELETON by Jordan Jereb Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:28 pm. Freeze the body, take it to big bear lake in before the lake freezes. Members included Poncho, Monkey Man,Boudia, and about 15 other members. C-6=POLICE(1X) The Grape Street Crips, on the other hand, have been known to wear purple in addition to blue. TAKE MY FLAG N USE IT TO RIDE, NEVA SET TRIP. They lure you by acting like your best friend. WARLOCK!!! TIL I DIE, CZ UP HIGH, When i die show meeh No pity Long Beach Rollin 20s Cripsare known to wear yellow and blaccin addition to blue. 13d Social Media and Intelligence led policing. I can shxxt yxu my math, $up cuz-. Around Fuck with them! Triple Original Gangster Top rank within the gang. Puttin es fucc shit out there. Tragniew. CANT FOR GET @ cool crip your talking about Slater not slaughter so your right on some of the things about elsegundo crips aka escopeta aka shotguns dooley a gee hair bear also, Lets be real nobody will walk into the shotguns neighborhood talking that shit just like they wont walk into your neighborhood talking that shit and thats bottom line its easy to come on here and run off at the mouth from the computer especially when the new says anonymous , Shot gun and payback are not considered real hood look where u goofs r at never had to deal with compton south central long beach watts gangs real talk gardena is a non factor city, Ask a real crip or bloods is shotguns real crop and have always been active always real gee shit some of the Compton watts and los angeles gangs cant duck with long beach too keep that shot 100 you fake as banger, cuh us gundena niggas dont beef with niggas in compton fucc you talking about bitch cuhs and further more GARRRRGANG bitch .. and we beef with niggas in the l.a area fucc are you tlking bout bitch know your history before you start internet banging. grap street crip when took got shot his blood hit the rag an it made it purple grap thay people out here bangin shit they dont no an u dont wanna false clam day dont play about dat shit, 107 hoova crip nigga its kswiss=killa slobk when i seea slobk. Betray Never betray Insane Gangster Crips These fictional "Crip . These fictional "Books of Knowledge" spread rapidly throughout the internet and eventually into the streets with wanna-be's taking these books seriously. GRAPE ST. or nothing!!!! all day cuzz fuck dem bitch as busta ass slobs, CRIPPPPPPP cuz IGC what im rollin fucc them dead azz ni66a. Cripsets have a loose structure of ranks based on how long a person has been bangingfor their particular hood and how much work they put in for the hood. Athens park bloods kept them in checc real shit, All you cali niggas gazi come to south Florida and see how we rocking, put its in checc how> nigga fucc pies and they dead loks fucc outta here didnt yall just loose a homies like 2 months ago, cool crip west up cuH? WE STAND STRONG FROM FROM DA NORTH, TO DA SOUTH, EAST TO DA WEST, TO MY NEST, I WILL DO MY BEST. wh3n th3 so call3d 8ball was form3d with GDs and Crip nation a lot of p3ople banged blu3 just as hard as I 3v3r s33n. This is the most recent version. let it rain let it flood let a crip kill a blood let it rain let it thunder---. 12.WHATS UNDER YOUR PYRAMID? It started because the local crip gangs and folks mobs decided to unite under the 8 ball, which is what you get when you put the C hand sign and the Pitch Fork hand sign together. Note the 6-point star and the large B with a K inside (stands for blood killer) as well as his spelling of the word kick as kicc this of course is to avoid the letters C and K being next to each other as they stand for Crip Killer.: Needless to say, I think my young friend was something of a poser. Look at the left side of the picture. CRAZY/CRIP/CITY,AND A BLUE DEVIL aint nothin 6ut a c thang . B. Their rank structure is as follows: Lowest to highest Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. where as stanley tookie williams, gimel barnes, and raymond washington. Jacking To take T.G. The Cripsbegan to increase violence and take over new turf. A DONUT Their territory stretches from E. Vermont Avenue and Crenshaw Blvd. COLORS: PURPLE= 8RIM ROYALTY Each Crip set has significant differences such as hand signs, use of secondary colors, and customs. All throughout the United States Crip hoods and Gangster Disciple hoods have linked up to form their own "8 balls" and in these hoods you will see both Crip and Gangster Disciple graffiti and gang culture. 3 point crown. These ranks don't signify leadership or dominance over anybody else in the set, they just signify respect for those who have been in the hood longer, put in more work for the hood, and have survived the longest. N = NOW, NEVER. The Cripalliance originated in the City of Los Angeles, California. She is throwing up the C, which is the hand sign for Crip. This outreach has been makinga major impact on Crips in the south and midwest who have all been dropping the use of anything related to the Folks Nationand a 6 point star and are all steady getting bacc to their roots. who laid the last bricc on the yellow bricc road? The Cripswere very well knownthroughout southern L.A. as more and more people began to join. 2020 wacth your bacc f.o.c. For the cause Whats the cause? Established as protection from neighborhood street gangs. 4-03-CRIP SHORTY Native Lc aka Clud, Gardena crips are not considered real crips on all hoods. 1Love to my gs fuck dat 8 ball shit ffake trilll shit black. 21. Dont even get me started on the posers WORSE than the one in this story. The 74 Hoover Criminals Gang (74HCG) also known as Seven-Fo Hoover Criminals Gang, and formerly known as 74 Hoover Crips until the early 1990s. Each Crip set is its own individual gang and are known to have sub-clicks, blocks, or lines (line-ups) which are like smaller individual sets within the set. Each Crip set has significant differences such as hand signs, use of secondary colors, and customs. Long Beach Rollin' 20's Crips are known to wear yellow and blacc in addition to blue. They have an alliance wit The Paybacc Crips and 74 Hoover Criminals Gang. Whomp beat down WE STAND STRONG FROM FROM DA NORTH, TO DA SOUTH, EAST TO DA WEST, TO MY NEST, I PROMISE I WILL DO MY BEST. Hey we came up out the 3ottom of the mud of our ass to eat we must spread knowledge to the gs who want our history, to survive the struggle cuz we not some may 3e false claiming and shit 3ut we want to educate the Lil homies who struggling cuz like we are. Established as protection from neighborhood street gangs. Fudge Town Crips are known to wear brown and blue. Gardena Shotgun Crips. Part of the 3X/Gangster Crip card. I - reddit Jim Jones Vampire Life We Own the Night, Stevenson Village Crip (Cold Village Dog). Los caico from Memphis 307 underworld mafia crop set stop playing out here we live by da under but will keep it mafia, Loc calico putting on 307 underworld mafia crop set in Memphis hustletown 3s for days, That shit aint true. DUST 2 DUST was upK watChu bKanginK were ya gettin ya knKowledKge 1720 street pKhysco, mAne shout out All my loCcsstAy dAnGerous ouT here jhiTs 7. Huntsville Alabama all day! They dont beef with real bloods r pirus just ptetenders come to watts inglewood compton south r west la they wont survive real hood talk, Gardena Crip Gang fucc all Super loc out busters slobk diru killa, Yxu sxunkd real dumbk cuz fym nxt real cripks? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. 6=FOLLOW The WAYS OF LIFE. I = INDEPENDENT lying 2 the true children of Crip aka, God of israel, cz up cuzz 4ever, clecce!!! Busters on here talking trash. A 15 year oldFremont High School student named Raymond Washington started a gang called the Baby Avenues in 1969 in an attempt tobe like the older gangs and copy the political activities carried out by other organizations such as the BlaccPanthers. If I was, I would have already committed suicide. I wonder how well his fascination with crips would have gone over at the first school I attended in the area. 31=IS THA TIME U WILL KILL. 8.WHATS ON YOUR BACK?PITCH FORK GOING THREW MY HEART TO SHOW MY LOVE These fictional CripBooks of Knowledge spread rapidly throughout the internet in the 90s and eventually into the streets. The Shotgun Crips are in Gardena, California and have been known to wear green, the city color of Gardena, in addition to blue to show that they are from Gardena. He picked the leaders after meeting with Rookie and appointed Slaughter and Hair bear as the OG s of this set. He started his own gang called the Westside Crips. T.G. 20. 1, Wh3t2 craccin deuce sgc here nxrth mpls mn bkabky gin loc whats mxving, $ht gun native Gangsta crip $uth$ide mpl$ 61-deuce little earth prjectz! The Godfather Barnes, Raymond Cook, Ecky, Michael Christianson, Michael Shaft Concepcion, Mack Thomas and No 1. Why hit up in your own set thats stupid we hit up in other people turf, 8TR83Y MV xut Im in SC 8TR83Y outta ConCord NC all my loCs in SC Nayxorhk60od 60 R60LLIN OR 20 ROLLIN OR 30 ROLLIN. Our set knowledge is that of a nation. 11. 2020 3.12 . A detailed look inside the American street gang alliance that never dies, and only multiplies. Now this coming from a grown man and a CRIP BITCH, Dis gun z from s.c I need u to get at me so I can see if im all da way left and I got da rite history, What up cuz, let me give you young brothers the history of the Shot Gun Crops located in Gardena, In 1972 the Gardena Shot Gun Crops were formed by Bare Foot who met with Slaughter and other homeboys at the park located on 132st and Vaness. Thanks The Grape Street Watts Crips (GSWC) are primarily an active African-American street gang located in the Jordan Down Housing Projects on the East Side in the Watts district of South Los Angeles, California.The Jordan Downs Housing Projects spread from Grape Street to 97th Street, between Alameda Street and 103rd Street.. What are all of your motives? (Double O.G.)O.O.O.G. They later became obsessed with protecting themselves from the other non-cripalliance independent gangs in the community which began to increase violence and resistance towards the Crips. The Godfather Barnes, Raymond Cook, Ecky, Michael Christianson, Michael Shaft Concepcion, Mack Thomas and No 1. Crip Nation. fucc thka snotruns & thka snootchkies!! ShotGun Crips IN CRIPS WE TRUST There is, however, a cease-fire/hood share agreement between Crips and Gangster Disciples that originated in Kansas City Missouri in 1993 called the "8 Ball". Gtfo nigga 40s just became factors about 10 years ago didnt come out till around 1984 youll baby 60 still.youll wasnt even n hoods untill bout 1991yea youll deep as fuck but only have is riders deep hoods got a lot of busters straight up, Man its 139% or noting Im from pa we do this for all u that got something to say if its not sgc eat a dick die slow. C-50=C- SAFE INSANE GANGSTER CRIPS PREAMBLE 2 You spic honkey faggot go suck a dick you gay tranny and your mother loves BBC. Crips try to kill Crips more than anyone else. This page was last edited on 27 November 2011, at 14:35. These fictional "Books of Knowledge" spread rapidly throughout the internet and eventually into the streets with wanna-be's taking these books seriously. Gardena Shotgun Crips - Rap Dictionary ALWAYS C-RIP. 24. The Crips were very well known throughout southern L.A. as more and more people began to join. The name Crips was first brought up in L.A. a Los Angeles newspaper in an article about young Cribs with canes, as if they were crippled. Either way, The name stuccand the Cripsalliance was formed. There are significantlymore Cripgangs today than when the alliance was first created. Most Crip sets wear blue. Cards are smaller alliances of individual Crip gangs within the Crip alliance itself, which gangs within the cards are known to put before the whole Crip alliance. Crips are known to shout "CaRip" as a greeting to other Crips and to let their presence be known. Our set was between Rosecrane, Crenshaw, and we met every Wednesday and Saturdays at the park and conducted gang business. The 8 ball was just a temporary alliance that holds no weight today and never involved crips representing the 6. 17. UR WHOLE FAMILY DIES! P = POWER. J = JUICE . 10.WHATS IN YOUR BACK YARD? C-1= PICK UP, PICK UP They also rival all Rollin 0's and Neighbor Hood Crip gangs including the Rollin 30s Harlem Crips, Rollin 40s Neighborhood Crips, Rollin 60s Neighborhood Crips, Rollin 90s Neighborhood Crips, Rollin 100s Crips, the Raymond Avenue Crips and all East Coast Crips. 19=CRIP WILL NOT ACCEPT A FALSE Claimer. I hope you niggas dont fuck like you gangbang, cuz I would hate to be your old lady. what do you do when you reach davids castle? False, If a male and a female who weigh the same consume the same amount of alcohol: Other Crip cards include: Neighborhood Crips (NHC), Trays (Gangster Crips), Blocc Crips, Coasts, Deuces, and CC Riders. If we are dumb niggers so are you and the first ancestors. C-STARIGHT=CHRONIC They say we 2 mean down here lol pussy niggaz!! The Crips began to increase violence and take over new turf. (Original Gangster)O.O.G. SHOTGUN CRIP "NO GOOD" INTERVIEWShotgun Crip Talks Gang Bangin And Hood Life In Minneapolis - No Good#dustyvisiontv Hit the subscribe and notification (bell). The gang named itself the Baby Avenue Cribs eventually and took on the nickname Cribs because most members were very young back then. 3. 6MILE GANGSTA CRIP All is one fam .mad juice cuz Adidas 174 my c, What up all my real Cripz out there whats folks nation 4 life 2 15 19 19 BOSS SEE HOOKS BUST THERE SEE UP STAY TRUE CRIPZ DONT BANG STAY G UP. Deep Swole numbers Some of the other original founding fathersof the cripswere Angelo Barefoot Pookie White, Melvin Hardy, Bennie Simpson, Greg Batman Davis, JimelThe God father Barnes, Raymond Cook, Eccy, Michael Christianson, Michael Shaft Concepcion, Macc Thomas and No 1. H3ll yea fuCC a 6. There are significantly more Crip gangs today than when the alliance was first created. rollin120's are more located in athens in hellen killa park and are . Place 2 guages at my sides Str8 out of Florida where all dese slobks at, dont fear cuzz, Crip cnowz all, & everything cuzz, God iz Crip cuzz, 8Ball Gangsta Crip, cuzz, 856 Mafia Crip, cuzz, Hoova Bible Crip, cuzz! Grape Street Watts Crips - unitedgangs.com Get . (LogOut/ 4-04-PUT IN WORK !Everybody wants to be a Gee but there throwing up different letters GEEZ UP! Then put an icepick through your neck. all slobz die, & the leader of de slobz satan, de false prophet, de beast, & all demonz will burn with torment, & pain nashing they evil teeth, cuzz, Im a 8ball gangsta crip, also, hoova bible crip, cuzz, 856 mafia crip, cuzz, arch angel michael, jesus christ, c life, cuzz! Str8t like that 6pop 5 drop let it rain let it drip, Real Shit Loc On some real I need knowledge Im from Detroit and my big homie ten Trey and C me in but he went to jail some shit happen with his brother and some locs out in Cali so he flopped and went VL almighty leaving me to stand rep the Land Alone Wtd idk hit me on Facebook JoyBoy dmoney-mgm or the gram joyboymoneyd, Wats poppin loc Im from detroit too, go add me Bobby6kane cuz, WvTtS upK baby lC 103 GrvpK3 ST. CripK or donT bKanG WeST upK T1ll my veST upK weST or di3 Gz upK nd Cz upK to all da Grvpk3 h0m1eS 0uT th3re all cid3S GrappKN CLATTT, WvTtS upK Cuzz wvtts dat purpl3 lik3 WbLC, yo loC i need my knowledge my big homie got bagged n never gave me my pkapker work email me @MrleaveitTothaStr33ts@gmail.com, mane yall i lovee dah crips my baby rico and my brother terry in it and dey banq dey shyt with noo ?s askd i love cz let it rain let it drip yhu ah slobk or ah crip bust ah slobk in his lipk watch dhet lame watch his favorite color drip, Neighborhood mac craccin loc pine bluff Arkansas RSC R.I.P.BIG HOMIE NIP THE MARATHON CONTINUES, LET IT RAIN LET IT DRIP ALL CRIP I SUCK DICK JPN LET IT RAIN LET IT DRIP ALL CRIPS ARE THE BEST ILY GUYSX. ten Tray GrVpe Street CaRipp b. Some of us are forced to 3ecome this shit to survive these other niggas want to be educated so they dont have to 3e like us. KNOWLEDGE 1.-baby gangsta The "8 Ball" has been known to be "cracked" (cease fire dropped), leaving both gangs to fight a Bloody war for sole control of that hood, but these instances are very rare. Crips is folk outside of Cali. First of all u talking about Jeffrey slater a.k.a.big slater them is real GS FROM THE GUN !! These ranks don't signify leadership or dominance over anybody else in the set, they just signify respect for those who have been in the hood longer, put in more work for the hood, and have survived the longest. THANK GOD, Im not half Black. Man. B. Hit cuz cuz 706 244 1197 I want to get down with the crip cuz, P8C IN THIS ITCH MUCH LOVE TO ALL REAL LOCS MAN PPL STILL DOING SHIT WRONG THO, 6 up on top 5 on da ground whats craccin locs, Whats craccin cuzz Acacia Blocc crip in this bkitch 6 up on top 5 on da ground, Watts craccin loccs bkodymore murdaland gsc 103rd watts dustown crip, Where my Acacia Blocc crips at fucc wit me, Acacia blocc crip whats craccin add me on my Facebook http://www.facebook.com/rodroyalblue, 52 hoova crip rep hard in austin i go by cali rules ebk c-life or no life u dnt lixe it we cn loox at it, O^riginal Street Thugsta Crippin , 3z^ Craccen bz Draggen Tiny Locs run The City where im @, 103 grape street crips, Newark NJ C^.V.G^ cuzz, Im legit. After moving to Florida in 1996, I attended middle school in the projects for a year until I was jumped by 3 youths and transferred to the white school in the suburbs. E = ENEMIES. 2=DONT Disrespect A HIGHER G. 11=Always HAVE A FLAG On U. praise the Most High, cuzz, the Locc, the True Love,.4eternity! Here is a short sample of some of the codes that he was memorizing: # codes. Long Beach Rollin' 20's Crips are known to wear yellow and black in addition to blue. Cards are smaller alliances of individualCripgangs within the Cripalliance itself, which gangs within the cards are known to put before the wholeCripalliance. 35=The HATE FOR BLOODS. 5=DONT LET YA SET,OR WHAT U Claim GET Disrespected. Eating after drinking Gang Terminology - Gang Enforcement. Wall banging consists of marking territory with graffittiwhich shows what gang controls that turf or going into a rivals turf and crossing out their graffitti. That Kid dume but cant blain him for tryn im a 103rd grape street waatts crip gangsta and we go by word of history from cali and no ather place. He may not have been as lucky as even I was to have just been beaten by 3 kids. Insane Crips (Long Beach) 611 C^rip Rite Here wats craccen Loc !!! 300 their lieing fuCC slobks.fuCC all da rest. Eight Tr3y Gangsta Crip , Charlotte, NC what up Thr33!
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