Every year, thousands of people lose money to telephone scamsfrom a few dollars to their life savings, reports the FTCs Consumer Information page regarding phone scams. Our mailboxes are being assaulted with unwanted attention too. To get someones number from Snapchat, you would need to either ask them directly or conduct a reverse search. } Google maps will then provide a list of carpenters in Minnesota and their company names, location, customer rating, and working hours. You can also file a complaint about recorded messages or robocalls. John is also a freelance writer, so he shares articles on freelancing every now and then. } While campaign calls and texts are exempt from the Do Not Call List requirements, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act contains specific rules they must follow. } (TTY 1-866-290-4236) If you signed up for Maine's state version of the "do not call" list before July 2, 2003, you do not need . //-->