Yes, parts of the disclosures also documented that the dark forces have learned the coming ending. Emery seems to be in desperate need of psychological help. Hope you read this ; I feel sorry for you for what they did to you. Now, one has to keep in mind that some of the things that he said that arent valid might be such only because he put his own personal spin and perspective on what he thinks is the case. The first few days I was really tired, but at the same time had a lot of stamina and was productive where I would usually procrastinate. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Various scholars have interpreted these texts in different ways, and some of those interpretations were discussed in the show. Emery Smith on Instagram: "Q&A this weekend with the legendary SwahaRon Not really as I see. they hide themselves in deep underground, built deep living cages. Emery never wanted to come forward about any of his black-ops experiences. Another issue concerns Emery Smith and other insiders I interviewed for Gaia. Anu Alchemy, LLC makes no promises on claims of any physical or medical outcome. In this case, I profiled his testimony on smart suits, which as it turns out are very advanced. Disclosure could get a lot more interesting, at a much faster speed, thanks to Emery. Of course not. This does not mean that I believe Gaia is supporting a Luciferian Agenda. This was one key area in which the people who read and discussed the letter circulated online were not seeing things from my perspective. Anu Alchemy is committed and dedicated to bring the gift of healing and awakening to those who seek it. ], CLICK HERE FOR OUR CHRISTMAS DAY ARTICLE FOR CONTEXT: STUNNING NEW BRIEFINGS. Emery Smith claims to have autopsied about 3,000 different types of ET humanoids. At this point, the lack of informed consent as the result of non-disclosure of true and accurate events on this planet, establishes GROSS NEGLIGENT ABUSE, which can directly lead to multiple species GENETIC ANNIHILATION as well as other DEVASTATING CONSEQUENCES., Thank you for taking the time to read this. Emery Smith - Secret Space Super Soldier Exposed as A Fraud Please check out this video series by 'Vanilla Sky Dreaming' where she exposes Emery Smith as a complete fraud. I experienced a flushed face on the first night, but it was gone by the next morning. I am going to keep plowing right on ahead, as we still have a great deal of important new intel to release from Corey Goodes side of things. He seemed very uncomfortable and scared to death during the interviews but I believe him because being a Gaia subscriber I investigate every single piece of info I can get my mind on :). Spelt out by the Christian Gnostics. It keeps us in the dark, being kept in the dark. David and others has spread much information of the dark side from those claimed insiders, but there are great things happening on the bright side as well. For Best Results - Take Atomic Ormus in the morning on an empty stomach for maximum absorption. Tompkins testimony is of almost singular importance in establishing the origins of the Secret Space Program during WWII for the US, as one example. This is exactly what happened to Pete Peterson after coming forward on Cosmic Disclosure with much more controversial information. So I decided to give it a go and see what happens. Additionally, Paypal locked up his account after only allowing a very small amount into his bank, citing a fraud investigation.. At other times it had gone up to 105. Our prayers to ALL of you helping us awaken quickly to ascension. snacks daily birthday shoutout; first original mcdonald's museum As they begin to perceive more of the true nature of reality, pushing past denial and fear, they rise to support the collective human demands for full disclosure, DEMANDING to know the TRUTH, no matter how ugly it is. No. Emery graduated from Mayfield High School, The Ohio State. Our motto is ancient magic for modern times. quantum AI wants to control human domain, which means every thing about the human quantum ai want to control manipulate or destroy. From there, it isnt hard to imagine that those ETs would have friends, and would ultimately introduce us to a much larger community. However, legally defined valid Informed Consent has three components; a. disclosure of the information in a truthful way to make an autonomous decision, This was particularly significant because we had released more of his highly sensitive intel in that same article. I will have to do a separate blog on Wilcock as his scams and false claims have been proven wrong time and time again. She with colleagues wrote a Scientific article indicating that of many vaccines studies, they contained metal contamination including Aluminum and Titanium. Here is a copy of that part of his Presidential farewell speech from the US National Archives: In 2013, a former CIA insider revealed Eisenhower had tasked him to threaten the folks at Area 51 that they would be invaded if they did not share their information. and all this is done by use of quantum AI technology. Microwave, sonar, or other technologies broadcasted around the planet. The article also revealed much more of the Alliance operations against the Deep State, which the adversary is very grumpy about. Emery Smith, former Air Force field medic, also known as the "Black Project whistleblower", alleges he worked in a deep underground biological facility located in the USA. What I did not say at the time this was written was that Emery and I were already at Gaia HQ, in Colorado, taping his testimony in episode-length installments. At least, that is the criteria for the Ontario Health Insurance Program (OHIP) to be considered someone who needs a home Oxygen concentrator machine which they pay 80% of (100% if youre on social assistance). ::PHUFF:: We cant handle it, gimme a break. My meditations were a little more enhanced and felt a more beautiful connection to everything and felt a difference with ease of shutting out the noisy brain chatter. Emery Smith Insider - Cosmic Disclosure (Season 1, Episode 1) | Apple TV Significantly, the FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, was also present during the debriefing of the CIA agent and his boss over what they had witnessed at S-4 and Area-51. 52% 7x per hour for the 7hr sleep study. Is anybody 100% right about everything theyve ever said about ETs on this planet? This kind of a move, however, just reeks of desperation. Gaia also was responsive to a concern I had raised in the past when a content employee relationship was not working out for the mutual benefit of all involved, and a change was made upon my direct request. Emery was featured with Dr. Steven Greer in the film "Sirius" and is known for his research and DNA testing on the 6-inch long Atacama Humanoid body from the Atacama Desert in Chile. Based on the hostility directed at me online and the threat of a lawsuit against Gaia and me from Corey Goode, which is repeatedly referred to in the leaked letter circulated online as a legal matter that I did not want to get drawn into the middle of, I decided to stop going to work and eventually to not renew my contract with Gaia. I hope every day sees him stronger and healthier. Please try again. First turkey of Spring has just appeared! I found this information from Steven Cambian. No level of proof will stop the paid trolls from making such accusations, but my goal here is to reach the real people who might still be on the fence. As we were finishing this article, his health slipped and he had to go back into the hospital once again. We thank the good folks at Paypal for stepping up and solving this problem for a man in his greatest hour of need, rather than taking three days to investigate.. Where Emery worked at Sandia Labs, they simply called it a folder, perhaps as a way of reducing psychological impact., Once you hear him speak (and the full-length first episode will be made free online in January,) its hard not to be convinced that he is the real deal.. Yes! His vehicle, however, was completely totaled. There was a problem completing your request. 2) At one point David Wilcock asked Emery what his relatives think of his story and he said all of them are dead because he didnt want to keep his mouth shut about what he knew. Uhhhhgggg I KNOW you got connects! Last night I got the kind of text from Emery that you never want to see. Even his dog is dead. I understand the risks I take. I WENT INTO MORE DETAIL ABOUT THE THREATS ON NOVEMBER 12TH, 2017. The ER in Palm Springs could not admit him until 7AM the following morning. I came across this video that looks like a congressional hearing type of thing where someone is being questioned and explaining this exact technology. The story had an unexpected twist, well after I first heard the news. It was the perfect trap. One has to ultimately having understanding of the early legitimate Yaweh ( Sirius Constillation) and the false yaweh (Orion Constellation). This liquid form of atomic ormus is the real deal bottom line. The message to MOSES was eventually infiltrated and perverted to spread elitism and control; Elitism is the path of separation (STS)., ONE OF OUR TOP INSIDERS WAS ALMOST KILLED. Which in turn means prosperity for all! I practice martial arts, and when I train, I find myself in an almost meditative state, as if I am in an entirely different world. Emery at first thought this was organ harvesting from fallen soldiers. Reviewed in the United States on February 2, 2023. However, the amounts of Ormus found in these substances are next to nothing compared to the concentrated Ormus that Hudson sought after. Anyone accusing him of making this up is acting like a psychopath and should be shunned. His temperature has come down, his vital signs have stabilized and he is not in the hospital. Emery Smith has been working as a Professional Speaker at Gaia for 6 years. Nothing else is online yet. Squeeze 1/2 a dropper into the palm of your hand, rub your hands together and put on face, forehead & neck! Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. As it says on the Gaia site at, Less than 3% of our members watch primarily any single series.. Its UGLY, but we, as a COLLECTIVE NEED to know the TRUTH! Thank you Sir or Madam you have correctly said all that I would have if I could have!!! For financial support , why not use Bitcoin / Ethereum? We dont need partial disclosure, we need full disclosure! In Pyramid symbolism, if a "New Corridor" is discovered, this is (ahem) huge. So far I have noticed on my first day is, happiness, clear minded, energetic. Why not just silence Emery if they dont want the truth to be out in the open? Where does Emery Smith get his Ormus from? : CosmicDisclosure Now I hope you can see that we were all suffering threats and damage from a common adversary. Breaking News: Inside Secret Biological Facilities with Emery Smith It was a combined operation. His life has been threatened repeatedly because he has been speaking out. They are trying to punish him for coming forward, and it only further proves he is for real. I know that by pulling together as a team, we can surround Emery with protection and ensure his survival. If we can step away from the immediate shock, horror and crisis of this, we can be grateful that he got his dog back, relatively unscathed. What part is valid and what part isnt, however? I look forward to the dream state that this product elicits. Why is it so cheap? I have taken this Atomic Ormus for 2 weeks now. I deal with the Firestone Clinic at St Jospehs Hospital in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Since the beginning of 2018, nighttime has been bombarded with extreme and low frequency thoughts, feelings and vibrations. Uhhhgggfggff This is a place to discuss 'Cosmic Disclosure,' an interview docu series hosted by David Wilcock on Gaia, the "revelations" of Corey Goode. The fact that this is in the hands of higher dimensional beings, beings of LOVE AND LIGHT, how could they be in FEAR? Thats what happens being an individual: You have your own perspective on things. I absolutely love this elixir but of life , Reviewed in the United States on February 25, 2023. It is tremendously cruel what he did to this woman and his long term girlfriend. Something Big is Coming, Part II: Is Wikileaks About to Drop the Nuke?. 0:00 / 1:58:33 Emery Smith's former fianc says he is a fraud and a liar? His oxygen level went down to 90 percent, which when coupled with the enormously high fever could very easily have killed him. If the Deep State were smart, they would totally avoid targeting someone like this after they came out. Your account must be 60 days old AND you must have 50 combined comment and post karma. If the cabal actually killed everyone that was close to him then Im sure its a very sad topic for him and its understandable, but it is not a natural human reaction to INSTANTLY tear up every time you hear something that upsets you greatly. However, for most people there is still an enormous difference between enjoyable science fiction movies and the idea that this stuff is actually true. Thank you for your committment, work and dedication for us all. Regular price $49.00 Sale price $49.00 Regular price. This could have been the result of how rough things got before we bailed him out, coupled with lack of sleep and massive stress. So I decided to give it a go and see what happens. This will be difficult for many to process once the information truly becomes available to the masses. Massaging in is un-necessary! David Wilcock on Ascension Mysteries: 4.5 Hours of New YouTube Videos! The things he has told me over the last ten years may seem quite sensational, but they line up precisely with what we end up hearing from many other insiders. This letter was taken out of context by some in our community who made sweeping conclusions about what it said, and turned them into malicious accusations they directed against Gaia. Some of Pauls intel was mentioned. I wish I had money to help but my thoughts, meditations and all the light I can muster will be dedicated to him.
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