content: '\00BB'; margin: auto; Reports must be sent directly from the agency to the Cal State LA Admissions Office). margin: 0px 0px 0px 1.5em; } Working alongside the .cd-accordion-menu>li>ul>li:last-of-type label, Box 3665 This policy shall not apply to students admitted to a masters or doctorate degree program offered jointly with other educational institutions. The evaluation fee is $160 (USD) - please remit directly to WES. /* MEDIA QUERIES ENDS */ width: 24.1%; Enrollment in Foundation courses is determined by the student and should be based on the students undergraduate degree, job experience, and related skills set. margin-top: -8px; If part of your face inadvertently drifts off their video screen, you are accused of cheating, even though all you are doing is doing is a math calculation on scratch paper to the side of the laptop. Regardless of where you are in life, LSU has an MBA program that will meet -ms-transform: translateY(-50%) rotate(-90deg); top: 0; Any course or program offered in special sessions must, each time that it is offered, have the approval of the appropriate college dean and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Current business professionals and those seeking a more fulfilling career in a new profession will benefit from the valuable management insights provided in this degree program offered by LSUS College of Business. .top-navigation-block { /* this class is used if you're using jquery to animate the accordion */ ga('send', 'pageview'); padding: 15px 15px 0px 15px; #mobilenav { #cbe-featured-section { display: inline-block; padding: 50px 20px 35px 35px; The LSU E. J. Ourso College of Business is one of the nation's most outstanding business schools, according to The Princeton Review. } left: 53px; last semester most people could not get into their classes which resulted in graduation delays for a lot of people due to their registration cite crashing, honestly this school is one of the cheapest for a reason. color: #ffffff; Changes in the study plan may be made only with the approval of the students academic adviser and college graduate dean. .cd-accordion-menu input[type=checkbox]:checked+label::before { All students must complete the requirements for the Juris Doctor degree, including earning a total of 94 credit hours. padding: 0 2%; } One professor refused to perform any instruction; the class was almost entirely YouTube videos from another professor and textbook readings; the two information streams were not complementary in knowledge or terminology. #cbe-desktopnav-bottom-inside-area { 1 GPA: 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale 2 GMAT or GRE: Candidates must submit a GRE/GMAT score for a GPA less than 3.0. /* TOP MOBILE MENU ENDS */ } The LSUS MBA program has been an extremely positive experience; the professors are brilliant and extremely specialized, with extensive experience in business industries such as data analytics, marketing, IT, accounting, organizational change management, and so on. The College examines each candidate's potential, taking into consideration all academic and work experience, level of responsibility at work, and other factors that may have a bearing on the individual's potential for success. width: 100%; Missing documents will delay the admission process. All qualifying courses that are otherwise eligible may be included in a masters degree study plan if recommended by the principal graduate adviser and major department/division/school and approved by the college graduate dean. An MBA student at LSUS receives a graduate education focused on quality, innovation, and engagement. Do your best and utilize the resources afforded in the program and those of your own experience and you can finish successfully. Current business professionals and those seeking a more fulfilling career in a new profession will benefit from the valuable management insights provided in this degree program offered by LSUS College of Business. cursor: pointer; height: 100%; z-index: 101; padding: 0 0 0 12px !important; background-size: cover; .cd-accordion-menu2 label, The entire exam is video and sound recorded and later reviewed. .cd-accordion-menu2 ul ul ul a { color: #ffffff !important; -ms-transform: translateY(-50%) rotate(-90deg); } .cd-accordion-menu { An approved study plan for each option is required. .no-touch .cd-accordion-menu2 a:hover { .cd-accordion-menu2 ul ul a { Cal State L.A. will allow credit for work taken at another college or university only when it appears on the students official transcript from that institution, is acceptable for masters degree credit at the offering institution, and is deemed appropriate to the students masters degree program by the major department/division/school at Cal State L.A. This degree provides graduates with the leadership and organizational skills to help them land a managerial role that can increase their responsibilities and pay. height: 300px; A grade of C is allowed on the Study Plan; however, any grade below C, including C-, requires that the course be repeated with both grades computed in the grade point average. .cbe-four-column { } Total credit hours per program:30 credit hours Cost per credit hour:$416 Total cost with fees:$12,473.90* Cost per credit hour and fees are subject to change. a bachelor's degree from an accredited university with a minimum 2.5 overall GPA or minimum 2.75 GPA in the last 60 semester hours of courses, and a minimum GMAT score of 450 and a minimum score of 1000, based on the following formula: GMAT score plus (200 x overall undergraduate GPA). } } The LSU Flores MBAAA is an affinity chapter of the LSU Alumni Association, which means .cd-accordion-menu ul ul label::before { margin-left: 5% !important; #desktopnav-bottom { .cd-accordion-menu2>li:last-of-type>a, margin: 0; background-image: url(; } Each of our offerings provides cutting-edge course work, leadership opportunities, color: #43474d !important; You'llcomplete seven core business classes and have the option to pursue a specific concentration via your chosen electives. For international students, obtaining a STEM degree at our University qualifies students who have F-1 visas to potentially have their 12-month OPT extended by 24 months. All candidates for masters degrees at Cal State L.A. must fulfill the following minimum requirements: Completion of at least 30 semester units in approved courses, of which at least half (15) must be graduate (5000-level) courses. padding-left: 50px; padding: 12px 0px 12px 0px; 310-258-9451. Matriculated Cal State L.A. students may not enroll in Open University courses. } padding-right: 10px; color: #000; transition: transform 0.3s; Students whose program requires a comprehensive examination must declare to their major department/division/school, at least one semester in advance, their intent to take it, obtain department/division/school permission, and register for the comprehensive examination that carries the course number 5960 in their major discipline. Although the courses can be done in any order, each course is lockstep with one proctored exam every week. #cta-in { margin-top: 13px; .cd-accordion-menu a::after { max-width: 100%; tools to see a valuable return on their investment. } padding: 10px 20px; .cd-accordion-menu ul ul ul a::after { All comprehensive examinations must conform to the following requirement of Title 5: A comprehensive examination is an assessment of the students ability to integrate the knowledge of the area, show critical and independent thinking, and demonstrate mastery of the subject matter. } Throughout the courses, you will develop a comprehensive understanding of organizational strategy, leadership and management, and how to apply those tools in various business settings. width: 80%; } display: none !important; The LSUS MBA hammers core business principles and coursework challenges and shifts your thinking to a bigger perspective. top: 0px; /* .cd-accordion-menu ul ul a { (2) attained a score of 41 or better on the writing portion of the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) or a score of 4 on the analytic writing portion of the GRE or the GMAT. text-align: center !important; m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) This includes courses in which a grade of Incomplete is received. } margin-right: 0% !important; Cost per credit hour and fees are subject to change. If you want to be treated like garbage, then this is the place is for you. } padding-right: 14px; /* show children when item is checked */ position: relative; padding: 0px !important; Six semester units of 5000-level or other graduate courses taken through extension are eligible for masters degree credit. Our rigorous and comprehensive course work offers students a strong understanding of subjects both fundamental and contemporary. .cd-accordion-menu2.animated label::before { color: #ffffff !important; Three years of education in an English speaking institution, or the completion of a transferable English Composition course, will not exempt you from this requirement. Policies and Accreditations Areas of concentration include accounting, data analytics, entrepreneurship and family. top: 118px; In addition to a robust curriculum centered on application-based learning, we provide margin-left: 0; height: auto; width: 100%; Students can include no courses taken as an undergraduate on a masters degree program except as specifically provided for baccalaureate candidates in their final semester of undergraduate study. Copyright 2022. .cd-accordion-menu ul ul a { ]]>*/, 5151 State University Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90032 (323) 343-3000 2023 Trustees of the California State University. padding-left: 50px; land management in 1982, both from LSU. If you try to take 2 courses at a time, ensure you have a lot of flexibility at your day job, and that you don't have to work more than 4-5 hours M-F at your day job. /* CODE FOR CBE HOMEPAGE BEGINS */ When the program is online, costs tend to be lower, and that increases your chances of a profitable return on investment. /* SPECIFIES NAVIGATION, BANNERS, AND FOOTERS ON DISPLAYS UNDER 769PX ENDS*/ display: block; #cbe-archivelink {
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