EEOC Litigation Settlement Activity - January 2020 - OutSolve $100,000 - CEPA Retaliation $125,000 - CEPA Retaliation $125,000 - Sexual Harassment $100,000 - Disability Discrimination $200,000 - Race Discrimination 2020 $352,000 - Disability Discrimination $300,000 - Marital Status Discrimination $225,000 - Sexual Harassment $110,000 - National Origin Discrimination $247,000 - Sexual Harassment The answers to these frequently asked questions represent the views of the staff of the Office of the Whistleblower. 1. New York Institute of Technology Pays $45,000 in Damages, Penalties, and Attorneys Fees in Fair Chance Act Case, Revises Policies, Conducts Training, and Puts Up PostingsComplaint filed a complaint alleging that she was unlawfully denied a position due to her criminal history after receiving a conditional offer of employment, and that Respondent's application contained a question about criminal history several months after the passage of the Fair Chance Act. No matter what type of case you are involved with, it is imperative to retain an attorney that is well-versed in the area of discrimination and retaliation. ICE detainees allege retaliation after speaking out about medical The Respondent agreed to attend training on theNYC Human Rights Law and pay the Complainant $2,500 in emotional distress damages. Retaliation Lawsuits Settlements - OU Legal on 4/12/2022 IT Staffing Agency Refused to Refer Applicant Who Objected to Recruiter's. MMPS of New York paid the Complainant $7,822.87 in back pay, $22,177.13 in emotional distress damages, and $10,000 in civil penalties. OSHA News Releases - Whistleblower | Occupational Safety and Health What Possible Damages Could Be Awarded to You After a Motorcycle Accident? With the help of an experienced legal team, you can rest assured that you have the best chance of getting compensation for the damage caused. Retaliation lawsuits are filed by people who believe they have been the victim of discrimination in the workplace. Rule 21F-17(a) provides that [n]o person may take any action to impede an individual from communicating directly with the Commission staff about a possible securities law violation, including enforcing or threatening to enforce a confidentiality agreementwith respect to such communications.. NYC Landlord Pinnacle Management Settles a Source of Income Discrimination Case for $50,000 in Damages and Extensive Affirmative Relief, Including the Set Aside of Apartments for Voucher Holders Complainant, a recipient of the Family Eviction Prevention Subsidy (FEPS), filed a complaint alleging that Respondents Pinnacle Management rejected her application for an apartment because they were not aware of the FEPS program and did not believe that Complainant would be able to pay rent. Five detainees in immigration custody were sent to facilities in Nevada after speaking with media, including the Union-Tribune, in what activists say is a pattern of retaliatory transfers Landlord Pays $5,000 in Damages in Source of Income Discrimination CaseA complainant alleging source of income discrimination based on his attempt to use his HASA voucher brought a complaint against 639 Realty LLC and Affordable Housing Real Estate Corp. Pax Assist, LLC Pays $17,500 in Civil Penalties and Emotional Distress Damages to Settle Claims of Religious Discrimination; Agrees to Train All Employees, Revise Policies, and Agrees to Two Years of Monitoring By the CommissionThe Commission filed both a Commission-initiated complaint and a public complaint against Pax Assist after it discovered that managers had discriminated against the companys Muslim employees when they asked that their breaks coordinate with fasting times during the month of Ramadan. Respondents will attend NYC Human Rights Law training, create employment policies in compliance with the NYC Human Rights Law, and post the Commissions Stop Sexual Harassment in NYC Act Notice, Notice of Rights poster, and Pregnancy Discrimination in Employment Notice. CBHS revised its dress code and signed a stipulation and order agreeing to distribute the revised policy to its employees. "Subjecting a law enforcement officer to egregious racial slurs and epithets, then retaliating against him and others who supported him for reporting . California woman awarded over $167 million in employer retaliation case The Commission and parties entered into a conciliation agreement requiring C-Towns owner and managers to attend training on the NYC Human Rights Law; create and implement a written policy under the NYC Human Rights Law; display the Commissions Notice of Rights, Stop Sexual Harassment Act Notice, and Pregnancy Employment Notice; maintain records regarding complaints of discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation, job openings, and applications for employment; provide a written apology to Complainant; and revise its employment application. The Justice Department also announced the settlement of related retaliation claims filed against Pocomoke City, Maryland that were resolved on Dec. 4, 2019. Following the Law Enforcement Bureaus investigation, the Commission, Complainant, and Zara entered into a conciliation agreement requiring Zara to pay Complainant $30,000 in emotional distress damages; train its New York City employees on the New York City Human Rights Law and the Commissions Gender Identity and Gender Expression Legal Enforcement Guidance; post in its New York City places of business the Commissions Notice of Rights poster, the Commissions Equal Bathroom Access Poster, and a policy explaining that patrons can use the fitting room that most closely aligns with their gender identity; and partner with the New York City LGBT Community Center, and at least one community-based organization dedicated to serving the transgender, gender non-conforming, and non-binary communities, to create employment opportunities for these communities. Gristedes Agrees To Pay $11,000 in Damages, Retrain all NYC Employees, Revise Policies, and Post Notice of Rights in all NYC StoresComplainant, who identifies as an intersex woman, filed a complaint against Gristedes alleging that she heard an employee tell another employee while she was shopping that Complainant was "really a man." Settlements 2019/2020 | Iowa Civil Rights Commission Respondent agreed to settle the case, pay the complainant $2,500 and $15,000 in civil penalties to the City of New York, create new policies about accommodations -- religious or otherwise -- place NYC Human Rights Law postings in relevant areas, hold a company-wide training for all employees and agreed to be monitored for a period of two years by the Commission. Complainant then informed MSKCC that, due to her ongoing recovery, she would need to continue working part-time and was willing to work in other departments that had part-time positions available. EEOC RETALIATION LAWSUIT- $165,000 Settlement After this is decided, the lawsuit itself will follow. The hospital, which had already agreed to implement extensive affirmative relief measures in another similar Commission case filed around the same time, agreed to pay the Complainant in this case $10,000 in emotional distress damages. Co-op With a No Dog Policy Pays $27,000, Agrees To Create a Reasonable Accommodation Policy, Display Postings and TrainingsComplainant was denied her emotional support animal by her co-op board for more than a year despite presenting them with supporting medical documentation. During the first month of 2020, EEOC has settled nineteen discrimination lawsuits. Lawsuits & Settlements | State of California - Department of Justice You can find information about your rights and protections under SOX on the Department of Labors whistleblower website. With the passage of Dodd-Frank, Congress amended the Exchange Act to add Section 21F, which established a series of new incentives and protections for individuals to report possible violations of the federal securities laws, including enhanced employment retaliation protections. The lawsuit underscores the fact that all employers, both public and private companies, are susceptible to these types of claims. Small Landlord Settles Complaint Alleging Harassment on the Basis of Sexual Orientation for $3,000 in DamagesComplainants alleged that a repairperson hired by their apartment building's property manager subjected them to harassment because of their sexual orientation during a scheduling phone call. CFM signed a stipulation and order agreeing to revise its policies to apply equally to all genders and to allow people to use the sex-segregated facilities that accord with their gender identities. One of the COVID-19 claims filed earlier this week, although not a class action, prompts me to add a seventh distinct risk for employers: claims by employee "whistleblowers" alleging. Despite the sign, Complainant alleged that an employee of Respondent C-Town told Complainant that there were no positions available. The patron ultimately decided not to pursue the matter. Employment. City of New York. LabCorp also posted the Commissions Notice of Rights posters at its Patient Service Centers in New York City and paid the Complainant $1,000 in emotional distress damages. After investigation by the Commissions Law Enforcement Bureau, Respondent agreed to enter into a stipulation and order to accommodate Complainants disability by installing a railing on the main entrance steps of the building. Securitas Security Services Settles Disability Discrimination Case for $15,000 in Damages and Penalties and Agrees to Training, Policy Revisions and Legal Postings Complainant filed a disability discrimination complaint against Securitas Security Services alleging that Respondents failed to accommodate her disability, constructively terminated her employment, and retaliated against her based on her disability. Reasons Why You Should Choose a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer After a Collision, Parental Awareness of Common Playground Injuries. InDinero, Inc. Agrees to Pay $65,000 in Damages, Penalties, and Attorneys Fees After Job Applicant was Denied a Position Because of His Criminal HistoryA prospective employee filed a complaint against InDinero, Inc., an accounting software and services company, alleging that Respondent had offered him a job, then suddenly withdrew the offer based on his criminal history. 3-17786 (January 17, 2017), In the Matter of NeuStar, Inc., File No. The Respondent cooperated with the Law Enforcement Bureaus investigation and sought to mitigate damages to the Complainant. Complainant alleged that after his coworkers learned that he was bisexual, he was ridiculed, groped, and teased on a regular basis, including in front of an owner of the restaurant. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Pays $100,000 Damages and Penalties For Failing to Engage In a Cooperative Dialogue When a Reasonable Accommodation was RequestedAfter recovering from a stroke, Complainant was permitted to return to work part-time for six months as a reasonable accommodation, after which she would be required to return to work full- time. Unlike the anti-retaliation protections, the protections against actions taken to impede reporting possible securities law violations are not limited to the employee-employer context. Respondent LaGuardia Gateway Partners (LGP), which manages the Terminal B area, agreed to pay $4,000 in emotional distress damages to Complainant for this incident. He was dissuaded from applying for the job due to his credit history, and filed a complaint with the Law Enforcement Bureau. Respondent agreed to pay $2,500 in emotional distress damages to Complainant, conduct training on the Fair Chance Act and the NYC Human Rights Law, make policy changes and post the Commissions Notice of Rights and the Stop Sexual Harassment poster in its workplace. The employee failed to assist the patient and allegedly told him that he should have brought someone with him to help. Respondents resolved the matter pre-complaint by creating a comprehensive plan to accommodate all residents with disabilities during the remaining elevator outages resulting from the modernization projects across their six buildings. 3-16466 (April 1, 2015), Activision Blizzard to Pay $35 Million for Failing to Maintain Disclosure Controls Related to Complaints of Workplace Misconduct and Violating Whistleblower Protection Rule (2/3/23), SEC Charges the Brink's Company with Violating Whistleblower Protection Rule (6/22/22), SEC Charges Co-Founder of Technology Company for Violating Whistleblower Protection Rule (4/12/22), SEC Charges Broker-Dealer for Violating Whistleblower Protection Rule (6/23/21), SEC Charges Investment Adviser and Others With Defrauding Over 17,000 Retail Investors (2/4/2021), SEC Charges Issuer and CEO with Violating Whistleblower Protection Laws to Silence Investor Complaints (11/4/2019), Connecticut Broker and Investment Adviser Convicted On 21 Counts of Fraud and Money Laundering (6/10/2019), Financial Company Charged with Improper Accounting and Impeding Whistleblowers (1/19/17), Blackrock Charged with Removing Whistleblower Incentives in Separation Agreements (1/17/17), Company Settles Charges in Whistleblower Retaliation Case (12/20/16), Company Violated Rule Aimed at Protecting Potential Whistleblowers (12/19/16), Risk Alert: Examining Whistleblower Rule Compliance (10/24/2016), SEC: Casino-Gaming Company Retaliated Against Whistleblower (9/29/16), SEC Charges Anheuser-Busch InBev With Violating FCPA and Whistleblower Protection Laws (9/28/16), Company Punished for Severance Agreements That Removed Financial Incentives for Whistleblowing (8/16/16), Company Paying Penalty for Violating Key Whistleblower Protection Rule (8/10/16), Merrill Lynch to Pay $415 Million for Misusing Customer Cash and Putting Customer Securities at Risk (6/23/16), SEC Announces Award to Whistleblower in First Retaliation Case (4/28/15), SEC: Companies Cannot Stifle Whistleblowers in Confidentiality Agreements (4/1/15), SEC Charges Hedge Fund Adviser With Conducting Conflicted Transactions and Retaliating Against Whistleblower (6/16/14), Statement on Court Filing by SEC to Protect Whistleblowers From Retaliation (2/20/14), STAY CONNECTED Landlord Agrees To Settle Emotional Support Animal, Disability Discrimination and Retaliation Case for $55,000, Training, Creation of a Reasonable Accommodation Policy, and PostingsLandlord EK 3 LLC, imposed a conditional lease rider containing unlawful terms when it approved Complainants reasonable accommodation request for an emotional support animal, and revoked their offer to extend Complainants lease for another term.
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